Sunday, October 16, 2016

Weekend Five

We were certainly under the wire this week.  Dustin was at the house every single night.  Again.  But, we're losing daylight now that winter is heading our way.  He even had to have me drive out early in the week and we unloaded more forms off the trailer by the headlights of my 4-runner.  This led him to make the decision to bring in a few other guys from work to help them get caught up and ensure we are ready for the concrete trucks again next week.

This weekend was our son's 13th birthday, so he had a friend stay over Friday night.  I've got to give them props...they knew Dustin had to get up early to go work on the house and although they did stay up WAY too late, they did it quietly.  :-)  By the time I took the friend home on Saturday morning and got out to the house, the progress was incredible.  What a difference some extra hands makes!

They were able to set all of the walls on Saturday!  Yep... ALL of them!  Woohoo!  They worked a full day and had me running all over the place for food, drinks, trips to Lowes, etc.  But at least I was doing something to be helpful.  I'm completely lost when it comes to this building stuff.  The picture below was taken from the corner of the garage.

This picture was taken on the opposite side of the house.  That square you see right in front will be the safe room on bottom and the porch on top.

This one was taken from the back side of the house as they were getting ready to start putting up the back wall forms.

On Sunday, it was back to just Dustin and Johnnie.  Those long pink things are foam and they are used for brick ledge.  This serves as a ledge for the brick to sit on.  Again, more stuff I had no clue about...  I do know it took the two of them most of the day to get it all done.

While they were working on that, I decided to snap a quick picture of the finished back side of the house.  This is on the back side, but the opposite of the one taken yesterday.  Here, you can see part of  the garage on top as well.

I cannot begin to express how hard these guys work.  It's amazing.  They're like little energizer bunnies.  They work and work and work.  What was I doing?  Well, I picked up trash around the job site since our trash receptacle had been delivered, I brought them little things they needed here and there, and I set up a camping chair to enjoy the breeze.  :-)

Next week, we should have WALLS, my friends!  I honestly have no idea what comes after that, but I'm about to learn.  See you soon...

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