Sunday, November 6, 2016

Weekend Seven

This was the LONGEST. WEEK. EVER!  Yes, the picture is dark.  Guess why?  It was freakin' dark.  Like late.  At night.  And we were all exhausted.  Dustin ended up having to work late, so Jaden and I went out to the house to get started as soon as school was out.  We were under a time crunch because the walls were getting waterproofed the next day.  Jaden and I worked hard.  I ended the day with over 16,000 steps, two hands full of blisters, sore muscles, and it was easily one of the most exhausting days of my life.  But, this was nothing compared to what my husband did.  I have no idea how he continued so late into the night.  I'm not sure, but he might be Iron Man.  He continues to pour everything he has into our home and it's impressive.

Up to this point, there have been piddly little things Jaden and I can help with, but on this day, we were all working.  Hard.  Look at our little man trying to keep up with his Daddy.  He was quite a trooper that night.

Day One

Fast forward to the weekend.  The walls have been waterproofed!  Dustin and Johnnie added half-inch foam sheeting to protect the waterproofing. 

Then, they jumped in their man toys and got to work!  A lot of earth was moved this day, friends.

The gravel and corrugated pipe act as a French drain, which diverts water away from the basement.  

Then, they back filled around the basement walls with dirt.  

Day Two

Today, it's just the McGuirks.  You can see the garage all nice and filled.  It certainly is easier to walk around now!

Jaden helped Dustin shoot grade to prepare for the basement floors to be poured.

Here's the other side of the house with the completed back fill.

Look at these two hard workin' men.  Peas and carrots.  Dustin and his mini.

As a reward for all of his hard work, Dustin let Jaden run the skid steer for awhile.  He had a blast!  Boys and their toys!  ;-)

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